Sunday, February 11, 2018

Vermont Energy Education Program

On Friday, we had Aaron from the Vermont Energy Education Program come back to Summit and work with the third graders on engineering with wind. Last year, he completed this workshop with all the second grade classes. This year, we got to attempt to revise our designs with different materials! We had a blast! Thanks VEEP

summary chart

kids making sailboats

kids sitting at table

kids designing boats

kids designing boats at table

kid making sailboat

exciting discussion about sailboats

kid sitting at table

kids in library making sailboats

kids making sailboat at purple table

aaron explaining sailboat track

testing sailboats

testing sailboats

kid testing boat on track

making observations

aaron leading discussion

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February Updates

Hello families! 

Your child came home with two different permission slips that should be returned as soon as possible. One permission slip is for Fine Arts Night. Third graders have the opportunity to participate in Fine Arts Night at the high school. There is a morning rehearsal with an evening performance. This is an optional activity, but if your child would like to participate please return this form. 

Second, our class is finishing up a character studies unit and one of our read alouds was Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. We are hoping to watch the accompanying movie on the Friday before February break. Please return this permission slip and email with any questions or concerns. 

Last Friday, during team time we shared Malala's Magic Pencil with the whole third grade. In excitement of the 100th day of school approaching, third grade wrote 100 dreams for the world. Check out some of the AMAZING dreams Summit third graders came up with outside of Mrs. Cole's classroom. 

hallway display of 100 dreams for the world

We have started Unit 5 in math this week! We are diving into multiplication, division, and area. Today we modeled different story problems using linear units and square tiles. 

kids making arrays on carpet

Lastly, we had a blast during Spirit Week last week! Thank you for supporting your children and this celebration of all their hard work. 

crazy hair day