Thursday, November 30, 2017

Hat Day

I totally forgot to send home the flyer at the end of the day today! Tomorrow is Hat Day! Summit Street School has filled the sunband jar again!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Information Writing

Reminder: If you have not returned your Flynn permission slip, please send it to school as soon as possible. 

We are currently working through our information writing unit. On Monday we started publishing our pieces using Google Slides. We have been studying different mentor texts and we are trying to emulate their writing by adding pictures, fun facts, and jokes along with our expert writing. We are experts on a variety of different topics ranging from Rabbits to Dragons to Minecraft! We can't wait to share our published pieces! 

kids writing at table

kid writing at table

kid writing at table

two kids writing on floor

kids writing at table

kids writing at table

kids sitting writing

kids writing on chromebooks

kid writing at table

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Friday Fun!

On Friday we got to play some Minute to Win It games in our classroom! 
Here are some of our favorites: 

Trying to get an Oreo from our forehead to our mouth without touching it! 

kids trying to get Oreos in their mouth

Getting Cheerios on a piece of spaghetti!

kids trying to get cheerios on spaghetti

Tossing Cheetos onto a shaving cream covered plate!

kids throwing cheetos onto plates

kids trying to catch cheetos on plate

 Later in the day we had some Third Grade Team Time! We read a book called Turkey Trouble, and then tried to disguise our own turkeys from being eaten for Thanksgiving. We love getting to work as a whole third grade! Come check out the finished product in the stair case by our classroom! 

two kids cutting paper

kids at table cutting paper

kids cutting paper

kids at kidney table cutting paper

kids on floor cutting paper

kids at table cutting paper

kids at desks cutting out paper

kids at desks cutting paper shapes

Ms. Flagg talking to students on carpet

kids at table cutting out shapes

Have a great break! Don't forget to read! 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Informational Texts

Today we launched new units in Reader's and Writer's Workshop! We are diving into reading and writing lots of informational texts. During Writer's Workshop we looked at strong examples of informational texts and noticed how they are structured and what they sound like. We noticed that informational text writers are really teachers! They use a teaching voice and structure to give their readers new information. 

In Reader's Workshop we learned about how to "rev" up our minds to read nonfiction. We learned to look at the structure of the text and think about what we already know about the topic. This will help us anticipate what information might be coming! 

It can be a great opportunity to read some extra nonfiction at home! Reading nonfiction takes a different set of skills than fiction. Third graders spend lots of time trying to pick out the main idea not the main topic. 
(For example: this page is about how animals adapt to their environment, rather than saying this page is about animals) 
Challenge your child to discuss the main idea with you at home when reading nonfiction! 

kids at carpet looking at informational texts

three kids looking at informational texts

kids looking at informational texts

four kids looking at informational texts

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Catching Up

We have been SO busy in third grade I have been neglecting this blog! Here are a few things we have been up to lately.

Reading: We are just finishing up our first reading unit: Building a Reading Life. This unit focused on building strong reading habits and reading for understanding. We read Stone Fox and talked about really thinking about what is going on in the story. We learned how to make predictions, ask great questions and tackle tricky words! Next up: Non-Fiction!

Writing: We are also just finishing our first writing unit. We have been writing personal narratives and stretching out those small moments stories! Next up: Writing informational pieces

Math: We are continuing to work through a multiplication unit! We have been building our strategy toolbox and have talked about different fact strategies to use when multiplying different numbers. We also have been practicing graphing and the different parts of a graph. Next up: Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Science: We are finishing up our first science unit about Forces and Interactions. We have pushed sheeps down a ramp in a jeep, we have explored with swinging pendulums and flicked ping pong balls and golf balls. To finish up our unit we will do a little exploring with magnets.

In addition to all this great learning:

We visited our Kindergarten buddies! We love reading with them! This time they showed us books they have in their book boxes! We got to revisit some favorite stories from Kindergarten.

reading on carpet with kinder buddies

reading with kinder buddies

reading at table with kinder buddies

discussing books with kinder buddies

reading at table with kindergarteners

reading with kinder buddies in library

reading with kinder buddies

We wrote encouraging letters as a third grade team to students in Puerto Rico. Summit Street School raised $350.00 to donate to Puerto Rico through our coin drive! Great work! 

writing letters at table

writing letters at desk

writing letters at desk

Thanks to Mrs. Hutton and all the parent volunteers that helped organize the Fun Run! We had a blast! 

group picture before fun run

two kids running at fun run

running at fun run

In Ms. Pacy's WIN group we built "bone bridges" this week using pipe cleaners and Q-tips! We only had a certain amount of materials and had to make a bridge longer than a piece of paper and that could hold 10 plastic pumpkins! We had a great conversation about different bridge designs after we tested all the designs! 

kids building bone bridges

kids building bone bridges at table

kids making bone bridge plan

kids experimenting with bone bridge materials

kids making bone bridges

Lastly, we enjoyed some choice time! Currently, one group is auditioning for some open roles in their Tinker Bell play! 

two kids dressed up as fairies