Thursday, October 19, 2017

Window Washing

In third grade we LOVE problem strings! Problem strings are a set of carefully sequenced questions that are designed to help guide students towards a more efficient way to solve a particular kind of problem.  Problem strings focus heavily on making connections between the questions. We know that the first problem is meant to be a little bit easy, because it is going to help us solve more challenging questions coming up. 

This is an example of a problem string we did on Wednesday. The first and second problem (5x4 and 4x4) helped us solved 9x4 in an efficient way! 

window washing problem string on whiteboard

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Four Winds

We had our first Four Winds time this week! Thank you to Liam's, Sawyer's and Alexis' moms for helping us learn about insects! We started by putting together an insect made of different pieces like felt and pipe cleaners. We talked about the different parts of an insect's body: head, thorax, and abdomen. 

kids putting together felt bug

kids at table putting together felt bug

kids putting together bug

six kids looking at felt bug

Then we got to look at a paper that explain how insects are categorized into different categories.

kids looking at insect families

kids looking at insect families paper

After this, we were given a picture of an insect and had to try and figure out which category the insect went in! 

student sorting insect picture

kid sorting insect picture

kids sorting insect picture

We enjoyed the puppet show! 

kids watching puppet show

And lastly, we went outside to look for insects! 

kids looking for bugs outside

Monday, October 9, 2017

Chloe the Clownfish

Today we explored multiplication using a picture of a seascape and a friendly clownfish named Chloe! We learned that Chloe the Clownfish is 4 inches long. Using that information, we tried to use our multiplication skills to figure out how long, tall, or wide other sea creatures in the picture were. For example, we noticed that the sea anemone was about the size of 2 Chloes, so that would be 2 x 4 = 8 inches long. We were using proportional relationships to help us determine the size of the larger objects! Ask your child about some of the other creatures: triggerfish, tube sponge, moray eel, sea turtle, parrotfish, brain coral, and vase sponge. 

two kids working at table on math

kid working at table on math

kids working on floor with teacher on math

three kids working together on math

two kids in library working on math

two kids on floor working on math

two kids in teal chairs working on math

three kids working on math

three kids working on math at table

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Engineering with Forces!

In Ms. Pacy's WIN group, we are currently working on engineering some Rube Goldberg machines to go along with our third grade study of forces and interactions. Yesterday, we did some research and watched several videos of different machines online, and then students made a plan to build their own machines. Today, we experimented with materials and tested out our plans! These third graders are continuing to amaze me with their creativity and ideas! 

In homeroom science today we were able to make a claim and support it with some evidence we collected from an experiment (using golf balls and ping pong balls) earlier this week. We observed that a heavier object will travel less distance than a lighter object when flicked with the same force. We also observed that the harder an object is flicked (more force) the farther it will travel. 

student on floor setting up machine

two students at table setting up machine

two students revising their machine

two students on carpet experimenting with materials

Monday, October 2, 2017

Reading Partners

Today we met with our reading partners and learned about their reading preferences and goals. We know that a partner can help push us toward our goals and recommend books if they know us well. We practiced our interviewing skills by asking questions to get to know our partner as a reader. 

We also started to phase in small group reading this week! Your student may be traveling to a different classroom to work with a different teacher during Reader's Workshop. These groups are very flexible and will continue to change throughout the year! 

This group is well on their way to building reading lives! 

two kids talking on carpet

two kids talking on carpet during readers workshop

two kids talking on spotted carpet

three kids talking about reading

two kids sitting on tile talking about reading

two kids sitting at table talking about reading

two kids sitting in library talking about reading