Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Measuring with Beanstalks

We are just about to finish up Unit 4 in math which has been all about measurement and fractions! To end the unit we have been working on a three day exploration with Jim (yes, Jim, not Jack) and his beanstalk! We have been measuring to the quarter inch and doing some data collection with fractions!  Check out all of our hard work!

Up next in math: Multiplication, Division, and Area!

coloring beanstalk on floor

students measuring beanstalk

students gluing Jim on beanstalk

students working on floor

students discussing measurement

students recording data

students observing beanstalk

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Projects Galore!

Hello Families! We have been busy finishing up projects in third grade! Mr. Davidson, Mrs. Foley, and Mrs. Duggan helped us record our weather forecast videos to finish up our weather unit. This was another project integrating art, technology, and science. Check out the links below to see the different videos! 

We also just finished up our maglev (magnetic levitation) train engineering task. We spent time investigating properties of magnets so we would have all the knowledge we needed to build our own maglev train car. This project required lots of team work, perseverance, and fun! Check out the video to see a train car in action during our testing event on Friday! 

kids working together

kids building maglev train

kids working collaboratively

two kids working together

kids at table making maglev train

kids talking about plans for train

kids on floor making train

kids testing train

kids trying out maglev train on track

Ms. Bergstrom testing train on track

maglev train track testing

collection of train cars

Thursday, January 18, 2018

More Science Fun!

Hello Families! We have had an awesome week in third grade! 

Some dates for your calendar: 
SBAC ELA Testing April 10th-12th
SBAC Math Testing May 15-17th

International Dinner: Tuesday January 23rd 5:30-7:00
Pancake Breakfast: Saturday March 24th: 8-10am

Here are some more photos from our science rotations! I popped into Ms. Bergstrom's room to share some of the magnet strength testing they were doing! 

students at desk playing with magnets

student working with magnets

student working with magnets

teacher helping student at desk

students discussing magnets

You may have also heard that we started book clubs during Reader's Workshop! Ask your child what book they are reading with their group! We are learning how to track characters throughout a book and discuss our ideas with peers. 

book club meeting

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Four Winds and Magnet Exploration

Hope many of you can join us at the International Dinner next Tuesday night! 

We had snow much fun in Four Winds today. We talked about snow! We learned that snowflakes start as a speck and eventually end up as beautiful snowflakes. It was observed that the six arms of a snowflake are all the same, so we used our bodies to make some life sized snowflakes. We also got to learn about the different types of snowflakes! Thanks to our wonderful Four Winds volunteers. 

kids making a snowflake with their arms

kids making a snowflake

We also have launched a two week exploration into magnets with an anchoring event of understanding how a maglev train works! Third graders are currently rotating between the three classrooms to explore magnets and their properties. All of this work is to prepare for next week when they become engineers and have to design and build their own maglev train! In Ms. Pacy's room we are exploring the poles of magnets doing some "magnetic sailing". In Ms. Bergstrom's room students are exploring the strength of magnets, and in Mrs. Cole's room students are working to identify what can impact a magnetic field. This has also been a great opportunity for third graders to work with kids from different classes! 

kids at table looking at basin

kids doing magnet exploration

kids holding magnets

kids exploring with magnets

kids at table

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Measurement in Math

We have spent the last two weeks working on measurement in math. We started by practicing and reviewing time to the minute. We have also learned both US customary units and metric units for mass, length, and volume. We have been introduced to different tools we can use to measure like a balance scale, measuring cups, clock, and rulers. 

We also have been working on understanding how big or small a unit of measurement is. For example, we know that a paperclip is one gram and a dictionary is about one kilogram. Ask your child to help out with any measuring around the house! 

We will be moving into fractions soon! 

kids working with scale

group at table finding mass of objects

kids on floor with pan balance scale

student pouring water into measuring cup

kids playing measurement scavenger hunt